The candidates aspiring to appear for and get through various competitive and recruitment examinations like Railway Recruitment, etc must have an in-depth knowledge about the varied sections covered under the subject of General Knowledge as the same is asked in almost each and every recruitment examination.
General Knowledge 2017-18 provides a comprehensive study of all the sections that are covered under the subject of General Knowledge.
***** Railway GK Notes *****
- Indian History Notes
- Geography Notes
- Indian Polity Notes
- Indian Economy Notes
- General Science Notes
- Quick Facts Notes
***** Railway GK Test *****
- Indian History
- World History
- Indian Geography
- World Geography
- Economy
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Sociology
- Science & Technology
- Indian Constitution
- Indian Politics
- Indian Culture
- Indian Famous Places
- Famous Personalities
- Honours and Awards
- Sports and Games
- Books and Authors
- Rivers and Lakes
- Mountains and Forest
- National Park
- Computer Knowledge
- UNO, Other International & National Organisation
***** Railway Last Year Papers *****
- RRB solved Exam 2005
- RRB Solved Question Paper
- RRB TC Solved Question Paper
- RRB solved Paper
Para calon bercita-cita untuk muncul dan mendapatkan melalui berbagai kompetitif dan perekrutan pemeriksaan seperti Kereta Api Rekrutmen, dll harus memiliki pengetahuan yang mendalam tentang bagian bervariasi tercakup dalam subjek Pengetahuan Umum sebagai sama ditanyakan di hampir setiap pemeriksaan perekrutan.
Pengetahuan Umum 2017-18 menyediakan studi komprehensif dari semua bagian yang tercakup dalam subjek Pengetahuan Umum.
***** Railway GK Catatan *****
- India Sejarah Catatan
- Geografi Catatan
- Polity Catatan India
- Ekonomi Catatan India
- Ilmu Umum Catatan
- Fakta Cepat Catatan
***** Railway GK Uji *****
- Sejarah India
- Sejarah dunia
- Geografi India
- Geografi dunia
- Ekonomi
- Fisika
- Kimia
- Biologi
- Sosiologi
- Sains & Teknologi
- Konstitusi India
- Politik India
- Budaya India
- India Terkenal Tempat
- Kepribadian Terkenal
- Prestasi dan Penghargaan
- Olahraga dan Permainan
- Buku dan Penulis
- Sungai dan Danau
- Pegunungan dan Hutan
- Taman Nasional
- Pengetahuan Komputer
- UNO, Lainnya Internasional & Organisasi Nasional
***** Papers Kereta Api Tahun terakhir *****
- RRB dipecahkan Ujian 2005
- RRB Soal Pertanyaan Kertas
- RRB TC Soal Pertanyaan Kertas
- RRB dipecahkan Kertas